Travelling with schools to Rhineland-Palatinate

A school partnership roots above all in mutual contact. School trips in particular are a great opportunity to maintain this partnership contact or to get in touch with a future partner school in Rwanda for the first time.

In the past years, schools in Rhineland-Palatinate and Rwanda have repeatedly sought the way to each other and thus filled their own school partnership, but also the state partnership between Rhineland-Palatinate and Rwanda with life. The exchange between Rwandan and German pupils has a special place in the state partnership. The experiences and adventures of such a trip have a lasting effect on the students and accompany them throughout their lives. Through the school trips pupils enable a change of perspective, promote mutual understanding, strengthen intercultural skills and ultimately contribute to overcoming cultural barriers - this is the spirit of global learning.

Checklist for school trips to Rhineland-Palatinate

In this document you will find some usefull information for rwandan scholls travelling to Rhineland-Palatinate

Download Checklist for school trips to Rhineland-Palatinate

Support programs

If you are planning a school trip to Rhineland-Palatinate, there are various support programs that can help you with this project. In the following you will find a short summary of the individual funding possibilities. For all further information please visit the website of the respective program. Note that these are german fund programs. In some cases only your german partner school has to apply for fundings.

Financial support with the "Begegnungsfonds"

Financial support with the "Begegnungsfonds"

It is possible to apply for financial support for the school trip to/from Rwanda via the Rwanda Department 315 of the MdI (Ministry of the Interior, Rhineland-Palatinate)

- The application deadline for trips in the following year is 31.10 of each year.

- Depending on the receipt of the application and the availability of budget funds, the application will first be examined and if necessary approved.

- Among other things, the following applies: At the earliest every two years, encounter trips will be funded. However, if the encounter trip is the first personal encounter between the two schools, a return visit to Rwanda in the following year can be supported through the encounter fund.

TRAVEL FROM RWANDA: The flight costs for the Rwandan pupils can be covered up to 100% by the fund. The flights are booked by the coordination office in Kigali and settled directly with the unit. Flight costs for up to six students and up to two accompanying persons can be requested. The school in Rhineland-Palatinate agrees to bear all costs of the stay. The local partner is also responsible for the invitation and the visit programme. The school in Rhineland-Palatinate will prepare a report on the meeting trip for the department.

TRAVEL TO RWANDA: Students and pupils from Rhineland-Palatinate who travel to Rwanda can apply for a grant of 200 € p.p. Applications from students whose school has an official school partnership within our partnership will be given priority. The applications will be considered and processed after receipt by the department. The following conditions apply to the guarantee of the travel allowance:

1. the invoice for the respective flight ticket is submitted.

2. the pupils to be benefited do not have an income of more than 590 €.

3. a travel report is prepared and submitted after the trip.


Further questions and details on the application procedure:

Dr Carola Stein

Referat Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit dem Partnerland Ruanda


Schillerplatz 3-5

55116 Mainz



ENSA (German)

ENSA (German)

Specificities of the ENSA programme

The ENSA programme not only provides financial support for school trips, but also offers schools qualified content support in the run-up to and follow-up of school meetings.

What is supported?

Funding is available for both one-week preparatory trips (to establish initial contact between schools) and two-week encounter trips (for existing school partnerships) in Germany (incoming) and in the partner country (outgoing). ENSA also supports the preparation and follow-up work of the actors in Germany.

Financial support with ENSA

The approx. one-week preparatory trips are supported with max. 7000 €, the approx. two-week encounter trips with max. 14.000 €.

All further information on the ENSA programme can be found here. (German)

The application for this funding has to be made by the german partner school.

Brot für die Welt


Was wird gefördert?

Gefördert werden ökumenische Begegnungsprogramme zwischen Partnerschaftsgruppen (incoming und outgoing), wenn sie in langfristige entwicklungspolitische Bildungsprogramme eingebettet sind.

Gefördert werden Reisegruppen mit maximal 8 Personen.

Was gibt es zu beachten?

Anträge können nur von außerschulischen Trägern (eingetragene Vereine, kirchliche Einrichtungen etc.) gestellt werden, dazu gehören auch Fördervereine von Schulen. Schulen selbst können keine Anträge stellen.

Die Förderung von Brot für die Welt hat reaktiven Charakter. Formate und Themen werden nicht vorgegeben, sondern folgen der Vielfalt der Arbeitsformen und inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte der Antragsteller. Je nach Format kann die Maßnahme aus unterschiedlichen Förderlinien von Brot für die Welt gefördert werden, z.B. Einzelveranstaltungen, Projekttage, Lernreisen, Kulturveranstaltungen etc.

Alle weiteren Informationen zur Förderung durch Brot für die Welt finden Sie hier.

Contact persons in the Jumelage-office Kigali

Félicité Nyirashuti (E-MAIL) or Sandrine Kamariza (E-MAIL)

Contact persons in Mainz

Carola Stein
Development Cooperation Unit with the Partner Country Rwanda

Ministry of the Interior (MdI)
Schillerplatz 3-5
55116 Mainz
Tel.: 06131/16-3479
E-Mail senden

Layla Engeln
Association Partnership Rhineland-Palatinate/Rwanda e.V.

Fuststraße 4
55116 Mainz
Tel.: 06131/16-3356
E-Mail senden