Travelling with schools to Rhineland-Palatinate

A school partnership roots above all in mutual contact. School trips in particular are a great opportunity to maintain this partnership contact or to get in touch with a future partner school in Rwanda for the first time.

In the past years, schools in Rhineland-Palatinate and Rwanda have repeatedly sought the way to each other and thus filled their own school partnership, but also the state partnership between Rhineland-Palatinate and Rwanda with life. The exchange between Rwandan and German pupils has a special place in the state partnership. The experiences and adventures of such a trip have a lasting effect on the students and accompany them throughout their lives. Through the school trips pupils enable a change of perspective, promote mutual understanding, strengthen intercultural skills and ultimately contribute to overcoming cultural barriers - this is the spirit of global learning.

Checklist for school trips to Rhineland-Palatinate

In this document you will find some usefull information for rwandan scholls travelling to Rhineland-Palatinate

Download Checklist for school trips to Rhineland-Palatinate

Support programs

If you are planning a school trip to Rhineland-Palatinate, there are various support programs that can help you with this project. In the following you will find a short summary of the individual funding possibilities. For all further information please visit the website of the respective program. Note that these are german fund programs. In some cases only your german partner school has to apply for fundings.

Contact persons in the Jumelage-office Kigali

Félicité Nyirashuti (E-MAIL) or Sandrine Kamariza (E-MAIL)

Contact persons in Mainz

Carola Stein
Development Cooperation Unit with the Partner Country Rwanda

Ministry of the Interior (MdI)
Schillerplatz 3-5
55116 Mainz
Tel.: 06131/16-3479
E-Mail senden

Layla Engeln
Association Partnership Rhineland-Palatinate/Rwanda e.V.

Fuststraße 4
55116 Mainz
Tel.: 06131/16-3356
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