Partnership Rhineland-Palatinate & Rwanda

Welcome to Rwanda!

Welcome to the Partnership Rhineland-Palatinate and Rwanda!

In 1982, the partnership started as an unusual attempt of two countries to reshape development policy and today it is an internationally recognized model of a citizen-oriented, decentralized and efficient development cooperation on a local level. On our homepage we inform you about the history, projects and news of the partnership and provide important general information.  




Discover our project map! - How does it work?

  1. Zoom into the map until you can see a satellite image
  2. Click on an icon
  3. A separate window opens with information on the projects carried out at this location.



Pressespiegel | 26.03.2025


Drei Jahre intensive Vorarbeit tragen nun seit Anfang 2025 ihre Früchte

Pressespiegel | 18.03.2025


Information from the partnership association on the situation in East Congo/Goma

Pressespiegel | 14.03.2025


Hinweis des Partnerschaftsvereins zur Lage im Ost-Kongo/Goma

Pressespiegel | 05.03.2025


Bernhard Vogel, Begründer der Partnerschaft zwischen Rheinland-Pfalz und Ruanda, ist verstorben.



Veranstaltungen | 10.04.2025


Ankündigung für den 14. Benefizlauf von Trier nach Bernkastel-Kues

Veranstaltungen | 25.03.2025


Informationsausstellung im Landtag Rheinland-Pfalz

Rheinland-Pfalz | 25.03.2025


Am Dienstag, 25. März 2025 von 15:00- 20:00 Uhr im Erbacher Hof, Mainz

Ruanda | 18.02.2025


Von dem 18. Februar bis zum 2. März 2025

Newsletter, Facebook and Rwanda Review



Do you want to be regularly informed about news in the association? Then you can browse through already published newsletters here and sign up for our newsletter!


The current issue of Rwanda Review

Important at a glance


Donation receipts

Donations and contributions to non-profit recognised foundations and organisations are tax deductible according to paragraph § 10b of the Income Tax Act. For donations up to 200.00 euros per donation, the tax office does not require a donation receipt as proof. You can find more information here.



You would like to invite a Rwandan guest to stay in the Federal Republic of Germany who needs a visa for this purpose? Your guest has to apply for a visa at the competent German mission abroad and needs a declaration of commitment for this purpose? For this reason, we would like to advise you not to sign any declarations of commitment for visitors from Rwanda! Read more information on this topic here.


Werden Sie Mitglied und unterstützen Sie die Partnerschaft!