
We have set up a small library in our office of the Rhineland-Palatinate/Rwanda Partnership Association. Here you will not only find books, but also some films on the subject of Rwanda. If you have any questions about the library or would like to place an order, you are welcome to contact us by e-mail. Thank you for your interest.


Here you will find a current list of the books and films that we have in our library.




Below you will find some literature on the subject of Rwanda. The literature has been divided into different categories for better orientation. Some books can be borrowed from our library (see above). You will also find further book and film reviews in the various issues of the Rwanda Revue.


History of Rwanda


History of Rwanda

Barahinyura, Shyirambere: 1973-1988 Le Général-Major Habyarimana - Quinze ans de tyrannie et de tartuferie au Rwanda. The author takes a critical look at the Habyarimana regime. Éditions Izuba, Frankfurt am Main 1988.

Bindseil, Reinhart: Rwanda and Germany since the days of Richard Kant = Le Rwanda et I'Allemagne depuis le temps de Richard Kandt: Encounters and Common Paths. Historical outline of German-Rwandan relations with a biograph. Appreciation of the former German imperial resident /Reinhart Blindseil. Reimer, Berlin 1988.

Bindseil, Reinhart: Rwanda in the biography of Hans Meyer. A biographical portrait, with diary entries from the land of a thousand hills, an account of the Kivu border dispute (1885-1910) and highlights from the First World War and the end of the German colonial presence, (1858-1929)Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin 2003.

Brandstetter, Anna-Maria: Rulers over a thousand hills. Centralisation processes in Rwanda in the 19th century Grab, Mainz after 1987

Calließ, Jörg (ed.): Ten years on: Völkermord in Ruanda - Ten Years After: Genocide in Rwanda. Documentation of a conference at the Evangelische Akademie Loccum from 5-7 March 2004. Contributions from various authors to the conference on the tenth anniversary of the genocide, GGP media on demand, Pößneck 2005

Dünkelsbühler, Gaspard: Notes from Rwanda. Private notes from a trip to Rwanda, privately printed 1982.

Galabert, John Luc: Les enfants d'Imana. The author uses the deconstruction of myths to examine the socio-cultural history of Rwanda before colonisation, emphasising in particular the historical dimension of the prejudices of the two ethnic groups Hutu and Tutsi, Èditions Izuba 2011.

Gatwa, Tharcisse; Rutinduka, Laurent: Histoire du christianisme au Rwanda. This book reflects the universal dimension of the Church's endeavours in the cooperation between the ecumenical and Christian communities in Rwanda, Éditions CLÈ Yaoundé 2014.

Gottschalk, Sebastian; Hartmann, Heike; Hilden, Irene et al: German Colonialism: Fragments of its History and Present. This volume examines German colonialism in the late 19th century, analogous to the special exhibition of the same name at the German Historical Museum, and looks at its current after-effects, Deutsches Historisches Museum 2016.

Gourevitch, Philip: I want to tell you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families - Reports from Rwanda. Standard work Interviews with survivors - Gourevitch develops a moving picture of the events of the 1994 genocide from the stories of eyewitnesses and those affected, as well as through portraits of Rwandans, BvT Berliner Taschenbuch Verlags GmbH, Berlin 2008.

Johnson, Dominic; Schlindwein, Simone; Schmolze, Bianca: Tatort Kongo: Prozess in Deutschland. The crimes of the Rwandan militia FDLR and the attempt at a legal reappraisal. The book takes us from the dock in a German courtroom to Rwanda and eastern Congo.  It is about the Hutu militia FDLR, in which the perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide of 1994 reorganised themselves. Their leaders operated from Germany, Christoph Links Verlag GmbH. Berlin 2016.

Klos, Stefani:

The contribution of mission and church to rural development in Rwanda
LIT-Verlag, Münster 1996.

König, Dieter

Erosion control in agroforestry systems
Possibilities for limiting soil erosion in the smallholder landscape of Rwanda within the framework of site-appropriate land use systems (Mainzer geographische Studien; 37)
Institute of Geography of the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz 1992.

Liebhafsky des Forges, Alison: Defeat is only bad news- Rwanda under Musinga 1896- 1930, the University Press of Wisconsin 2011.

Löber, Ulrich/Rickal, Elisabeth (ed.): Ruanda Begleitpublikation zur gleichnamigen Wanderausstellung des Landesmuseums Koblenz Pfälz. Publ., Koblenz 1991.

Misago Kaniba, Celestin; Van Pee, Lode: Rwanda it's cultural Heritage. Past and present. Rwanda's history, culture and society. Then and now, Institute des Musees Nationaux du Rwanda (I.M.N.R) 2008.

Schäfer, Ernst / Erdel, Gusti: Tracing Rwanda. Adventurous travelogues of Nikolaus Illerich from Miesenheim. His life and work as Brother Anelmus with the African missionaries White Fathers, n.d.

Werle, Otmar: Rwanda : A portrait of the country / Otmar Werle ; Karl-Heinz Weichert. Edited by: Landesbildstelle Rheinland-Pfalz. - Koblenz: Görres-Verl., 1987 - 164 p. : numerous ill. (partly coloured), graph. Kt.




Carstens, Karl: Visit of the President of the Republic of Rwanda (25 March-3 April 1984) : Speech at a dinner in honour of President Major General Juvenal Habyarimana at the House of the Federal President (27 March 1984) / Karl Carstens. In: Carstens, Karl: Speeches and interviews. [Bonn], 1984. 486 pp. ; pp. 277 - 280.


The events of war in 1998: Data and trends in wars and armed conflicts / edited by Thomas Rabehl. - Opladen : Leske + Budrich, 1999 - 232 p.

The events of war 1999: Data and trends in wars and armed conflicts / edited by Thomas Rabehl. - Opladen : Leske + Budrich, 2000. - 283 p.

The events of war 2000: Data and trends in wars and armed conflicts / edited by Thomas Rabehl and Wolfgang Schreiber. - Opladen : Leske + Budrich, 2001 - 285 p. Daten und Tendenzen der Kriege und bewaffneten Konflikte / edited by Thomas Rabehl and Wolfgang Schreiber. - Opladen : Leske + Budrich, 2001. - 285 p.

The events of war 2001: Data and trends in wars and armed conflicts. With a special contribution on ‘War economies and long wars’ / edited by Wolfgang Schreiber. - Opladen : Leske + Budrich, 2002 - 288 p.

The events of war 2002: Data and trends in wars and armed conflicts. With a special contribution on ‘Terrorism and war’ / edited by Wolfgang Schreiber. - Opladen : Leske + Budrich, 2003 - 272 p.

Heinsch, Robert: The Further Development of International Humanitarian Law through the Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda : On the Significance of International Court Decisions as a Legal Source of International Criminal Law / Robert Heinsch. - Berlin : Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2007 - 413 p. - (Bochumer Schriften zur Friedenssicherung und zum humanitären Völkerrecht ; vol. 57).

Muyombano, Célestin: Rwanda : The historical causes of the civil war / Célestin Muyombano. - Stuttgart : Naglschmid, 1995. - 104 p. : Ill., Kt. - (VSN profund ; 1).

Reyntjens, Filip: Political Governance in Post-Genocide Rwanda. Reyntjens analyses the political leadership of Rwanda since the genocide and focuses on the rise of the authoritarian Rwanda Patriotic Front. Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Scheel, Walter: State visit of the President of the Republic of Rwanda : Address at a luncheon in honour of President Juvenal Habyarimana in Bonn (14 March 1977) / Walter Scheel. In: Walter Scheel / Ed. by Press and Information Office of the Federal Government. - 1977/ Walter Scheel. In: Walter Scheel / Ed. by Press and Information Office of the Federal Government. - (3).: 1 July 1976- 30 June 1977. 413 pp.; pp. 218- 221.

Strizek, Helmut: Gifted colonies: Rwanda and Burundi under German rule / Helmut Strizek. 1st ed. - Stuttgart: Links, 2006 - 224 p. : Ill.


Waal, Alex de: Rwanda Humanitarian Aid and the Limits of Neutrality. In: The New Interventionism Bonn 1996.






Isoko: Amakuru ki?.About life in Rwanda / ISOKO (ed.). - Frankfurt/Main : Verl. für Interkulturelle Kommunikation, 1987. - 447 p. : ill. (partly colored), graph. Illustrations, 2 ct.

Asche, Helmut: Rwanda. The production of an ethnic drama (Focus Africa; 4) Institute for African Studies, Hamburg 1995

Burckhardt, Gisela: Women in the urban informal sector in Rwanda. Hamburger Beiträge zur Afrika-Kunde; 47)Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg 1995.

Dahlmanns, Erika: The Unity of the Children of Gihanga. Dahlmanns examines cultural dynamics and political figures of thought that help in coming to terms with the past. Against this background, she looks at postgenocidal Rwanda and examines cultural transformations, patterns of interpretation and historical fictions, Wilhelm Fink Verlag 2017.

Fein, Alice: Images of Africa in the imaginations of German youth - An analysis of student-produced images of Rwanda. Master's thesis for the M.Ed. degree at the Institute of Geography at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 2017.

Kandt, Richard: Caput Nili. A sensitive journey to the sources of the Nile. State Museum, Koblenz 1991.

Marzi, Hiltrud: Age in Africa. Tradition and change. A documentation of the traveling exhibition of the same name by the Institute for Ethology and African Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg University. Printed and published by Gebr. Kügler GmbH, Ingelheim 2002

Pädagogisches Zentrum Rheinland-Pfalz (ed.): Everyday life in Rwanda. 10 slides, PZ-Information 6/97, Pädagogisches Zentrum Rheinland-Pfalz, Bad Kreuznach 1997

Carr, Rosamond H./Halsey, Ann H.: Land of a Thousand Hills. A life in Africa. Munich 2001 (Heyne paperback)  







Bayle, Reine-Marguerite: Genocide From Contempt to Barbarism Elephant Press/C. Bertelsmann Jugendbuch Verlag, Munich 2001.

Behrendt, Urs P.: The prosecution of the genocide in Rwanda by international and national courts: At the same time a contribution to the content and function of the principle of universality in the prosecution of crimes under international law / Urs P. Behrendt. - Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2005. - XV, 383 p.

Bensoussan, Georges: Rwanda quinze ans après. Penser and écrire the histoire du genocide des Tutsi. The book reports on the period of the genocide in Rwanda and the period afterwards. Reports, memories, comparisons are attached, Revue d'histoire de la Shoah, N° 190 Janvier/Juin 2009.

Brunhold, George; King, Andrea; Ulutoncok Guenay: Done nothing, saw nothing, don't talk about it - Rwanda - Ten years after the genocide. Reports and analyses. Illustrated book with reports and analyzes by internationally renowned authors who, based on the current state of knowledge in 2004, attempt to explain the causes and consequences of the genocide, Schmidt von Schwind Verlag, Cologne 2004.

Calliess, Jörg (ed.): Ten Years After: Genocide in Rwanda - Ten Years After: Genocide in Rwanda. Documentation of a conference of the Evangelical Academy Loccum from March 5th to 7th. 2004. Contributions to the conference of various authors on the tenth anniversary of the genocide, GGP media on demand, Pößneck 2005.

Carney, J.J: Rwanda before the genocide. Between 1920 and 1994, the Catholic Church was Rwanda´s most dominant social and religious institution. In recent years, the church has been critiqued for its perceived complicity in the ethnis discourse and political corruption that culminated with the 1994 genocide. Rwanda befor the genocide focuses on a critical decade, from 1952 to 1962, when Hutu and Tutsi identities became politicized, essentialized, and associates with potentical violence, Oxford university press 2014.

Chrismon: chrismon - Eight murders. Or more. Forgiveness of genocide murderers, Das evangelische Magazin 2014.

Courtemanche, Gil: A Sunday by the pool in Kigali Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 2004.

Dallaire, Roméo: Shaking hands with the devil : The complicity of the world community in the genocide in Rwanda / Roméo Dallaire. With the collaboration of Brent Beardsley. Translated from the English by Andreas Simon dos Santos. With an afterword by Dominic Johnson. - German first edition, 2nd ed. - Frankfurt am Main : Zweitausendeins, 2005 - 650 pp. : Kt. EST: Shake hands with the devil <dt.>

Decker, Rudolf: Rwanda : death and hope in the land of a thousand hills. Responsibility before God and man / Rudolf Decker. - [Erw. Neuaufl.] - Neuhausen-Stuttgart : Hänssler, 1998 - 196 p. : Kt. - (Encounters and impressions ; 1)

Decker, Rudolf: In the heart of Africa : Hutu and Tutsi between annihilation and reconciliation. Responsibility before God and man / Rudolf Decker. - Neuhausen-Stuttgart : Hänssler, 1998 - 198 p. : Kt. - (Encounters and impressions ; 2)

Des Forges, Alison: No Witness May Survive The Genocide in Rwanda Hamburger Edition, Hamburg 2002.

FES, pay christi, NAD: Réconciliation en Afrique et en Europe. Reconciliation processes, n.d. 2004.

Gourevitch, Philip: We would like to tell you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families Reports from Rwanda, Berlin Verlag, Berlin 1999.

Hatzfeld, Jean: Only bare life : reports from the swamps of Rwanda / Jean Hatzfeld. Translated from the French by Karl-Udo Bigott. - Giessen : Haland & Wirth, 2004 - 251 p. : Ill., Kt. EST: Dans le nu de la vie <en.>

Hatzfeld, Jean: Time of machetes : conversations with the perpetrators of the genocide in Rwanda /Jean Hatzfeld. Translated from the French by Karl-Udo Bigott. With an afterword by Hans-Jürgen Wirth. - Giessen : Haland & Wirth im Psychosozial-Verl., 2004 - 314 p. : Kt. EST: Une saison de machettes <dt.>

Hänssler, Friedrich (ed.): Rwanda Death and hope in the land of a thousand hills. A narrative Hänssler, Stuttgart 1995.

Hankel, Gerd: Rwanda. Life and reconstruction after the genocide. How history is made and becomes the official truth. After the genocide, Rwanda is seen as a model for coming to terms with the past and a poster child for development. Nevertheless, doubts are justified as to whether this impression corresponds to the facts, zu Klampen Verlag 2016.

IBUKA: Survuvors as Actors of Change for Peace and Reconciliation - Intermediaries and Beneficiaries of IBUKA tell their Stories of Change. Geschichten von Überlebenden des Genozids, IBUKA 2013.

Jansen, Hanna: I will hike with you over a thousand hills Thienemann Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2002.

Johnson, Dominic: Rwanda Anatomy of a Genocide In: The Future of Human Rights Reinbek near Hamburg 1998 .

Jonathan Torgovnik: Children of War - Rwanda and the unknown consequences of genocide Stories and interviews about the struggle for existence of Rwandan women who raise children of rape, two thousand one 2009.

Lamko, Koulsy: The Butterfly Hill. Dr. Koulsy Lamko, born in Chad in 1959, is a poet, playwright and university lecturer. This is his eloquent, vivid and harrowing novel about the genocide in Rwanda, angkor Verlag 2000.


Mann, Michael: The dark side of democracy : a theory of ethnic cleansing / Michael Mann. Translated from the English by Werner Roller. - 1st ed. - Hamburg : Hamburger Edition, 2007. - 861 p. : Kt. EST: The dark side of democracy <dt.>

Melvern, Linda:Rwanda : the genocide and the involvement of the Western world / Linda Melvern. Translated from the English by Anne Emmert, Ursula Pesch, Thomas Pfeiffer and Karin Schuler. - Kreuzlingen; Munich : Diederichs, 2004. - 384 p.EST: Conspiracy to Murder <dt.>

Mujawayo, Esther; Belhaddad, Souad: SurVivantes (original edition of “One more life”). The survivor Esther Mujawayo, who lost her husband and many family members in the genocide, describes her tragic story and her will to help the countless traumatized widows and children, Éditions de l'aube 2004.

Mujawayo, Ester: In search of Stéphanie : Rwanda between reconciliation and denial /Ester Mujawayo ; Souâd Belhaddad. Translated from the French by Jutta Himmelreich. -Wuppertal : Hammer, 2007 - 268 p. EST: La fleur de Stéphanie <english>.

Mujawayo, Esther: One more life : ten years after the genocide in Rwanda /Esther Mujawayo ; Souâd Belhaddad. Translated from the French by Jutta Himmelreich. -Wuppertal :Hammer, 2005 - 337 p. EST: Survivantes <div.>

Ndorimana, Jean: Rwanda 1994, Edizioni Vivere in Roma 2003.

Oosterom, Wiljo Woodi: Stars of Rwanda.The marks the genocide in Rwanda left will not be wiped out for a long time to come. Thousands of children have been irrevocably damaged, both physically and mentally, by this nightmare. Wiljo Woodi Oosterom took pity on them and gave them in this book the opportunity to tell about their horrifying experiences, their courage, and their hopes for the future, Silent Work Foundation 2004.

Rwanda: The hidden violence: “disappearances” and killings continue / Amnesty International. - n.d., 1998 - 32 p. EST: Rwanda - the hidden violence <dt.>

Rwanda: Ten years since the genocide. Reportage and analysis / edited by Georg Brunold ; Andrea König ; Cuenay Ulutunçok. Authors: Peter Baumgartner .... - 1st ed. - Cologne : Schmidt von Schwind, 2004. - 102 p. : mixed ill., Kt.


Rwanda: Back to life. A documentary / with photographs by Thomas Lohnes and texts by Regina Karasch and Rainer Lang. - Stuttgart :

German National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation, 2002. - 64 pages: numerous. Ill.



Rwanda - the path to genocide: prehistory - course - interpretation / Leonhard Harding (ed.). - Hamburg: LIT, 1998. - IV, 240 p.: Kt. - (Studies on African History; 20)

Rusesabagina, Paul: An ordinary person: The true story behind >Hotel Rwanda< / Paul Rusesabagina with Tom Zoellner. German by Hainer Kober. -Berlin: Berlin-Verl., 2006. – 252 p.: 1 kt. EST: An ordinary man <dt.>

Rutayisire; Antoine: And yet I give you my hand.  Rwanda between genocide and reconciliation Brendow-Verlag, 2001.

Schilling, Sandrine: Against forgetting: justice, truth-finding and reconciliation after the genocide in Rwanda through mechanisms of transitional justice: Gacaca courts / Sandrine Schilling. - Berne ; Berlin ; Bruxelles ; Frankfurt am Main ; New York ; Oxford; Vienna: Lang, 2005. - 399 pp. Also: Zurich, Univ., Diss., 2004.

Spitz, Stefanie: UN peacekeeping reforms: The genocide in Rwanda and the lessons of the United Nations / Stefanie Spitz. - Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2007. - 115 p.

Stockhammer, Robert: Rwanda: Writing about a different genocide / Robert Stockhammer. – Original edition, 1st edition - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, ​​2005. - 287 pages – (Edition Suhrkamp ; 2398).

Tadjo, Véronique: The shadow of God's journey to the end of Rwanda Peter Hammer Verlag, Wuppertal 2001.

Ten years after: Genocide in Rwanda = Ten years after: Genocide in Rwanda. Documentation of a conference of the Evangelical Academy Loccum from March 5th to 7th, 2004 / Ed. / Ed. Jörg Calliess. - 1st edition - Evangelical Academy Loccum: Rehburg-Loccum, 2005. - 236 pages - (Loccumer Protocols ; 11/04).





Development cooperation


Development cooperation

Appelt, Dieter; Mayer, Jürgen; Meyer, Jürgen and others: Orientation framework for the learning area of ​​global development.   Deals with the teaching of developmental skills to children and young adults, BAMF 2007.

Behrendt, Richard F..: Social strategy for developing countries: Formulation of a general theory of social development taking into account scientific results from a wide variety of disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, ethnology, population theory, political economy; S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt a. M.1965.

Engagement Global: DIALOG GLOBAL handout on local development policy. Fields of action, perspectives, success factors, instruments, benefits of municipal development cooperation, No. 28 BMZ 2013.

Erler, Brigitte: Deadly help - report from my last business trip in the field of development aid. Erler criticizes the current development policy and advocates stopping development aid. Hayet Media, 2003.

Fridtjof Nansen Academy: Rwanda Reality Minutes of the development policy study excursion of the Fridtjof Nansen Academy from June 30th to July 21st, 1989 n.a.

Klaer, Wendelin; King, Dieter; Mutwewingabo, Bernard (ed.): Agroforesterie au Rwanda 1993. Contributions from the joint seminar of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and the Université Nationale du Rwanda - Butare, on agroforestry in Rwanda.

KMK and BMZ: Global development - orientation framework for the learning area of ​​education for sustainable development, Cornelsen 2016.

Köhler, Horst (ed.): Fate of Africa. At the invitation of the Federal President, politicians, writers, entrepreneurs and young managers from Germany and Africa write about the future of people on the African continent, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag 2010.

Martens; Jens; Obenland: The 2030 Agenda. Global future goals for sustainable development. Adoption of the SDGs is discussed as well as plans and options for their implementation (targets), Global policy Forum; Terre des hommes 2016.

Menzel, Ulrich: The end of the third world and the failure of the grand theory. This book describes the major paradigms of the history of development theory ideas as well as development strategies and aims to show the influence that political trends in the West have on dealing with the "third world", Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. 1992.

Michler, Walter: White Paper. This book aims to provide information (based on the state of knowledge at the time) about the complexity of hunger and underdevelopment in Africa, its historical causes and the politics of black elites, Afrika Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., Bonn 1991.

Moyo, Dambisa: Dead Aid- Why aid is not working and how there is another way for Africa Critical analysis of development aid and strategies for a better solution, Allen Lane 2009.

Wet, Klaus: Is Africa dying? Opportunities and dangers of development aid. In a mixture of non-fiction and experience reports, the reasons for the humanitarian disasters in many African countries are examined and perspectives for rescue are examined, Europa Union Verlag, Bonn 1986.

Nuscheler, Franz: Development policy. A basic introduction to the central development policy issues of globalization, state failure, hunger, population, economy and environment. Publisher J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., Bonn 2004.

o.A.: Report of the African Commission's Working Group on Indegenous Populations/Communities (book is written in both English and French), Eks-Skolens Trykkeri, Copenhagen (Denmark) 2010.



N.A.: Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Decentralization and Local Self-Governance - On the Local Project Work of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Three Case Studies for Countries on Three Continents Regarding the Topic of Decentralization and Local Self-Governance, toennes satz+druck, Erkrath 1999.

N.A.: Development and Peace Foundation, Bonn. Earth is Life. Contributions to Ensuring Global Food Security through Organic Farming and Land Reform, Engelhardt Printing, Neunkirchen 1992.

N.A.: Fridtjof-Nansen-Academy. Rwanda - Examples of Grassroots-Oriented Development Policy. Published by the Fridtjof-Nansen-Academy for Political Education of the Continuing Education Center Ingelheim, with presentations of various grassroots development projects in Rwanda, N.A. 1985.

N.A.: Getting Closer to the People - Decentralization in Rwanda. GIZ, German Cooperation 2015.

Raffin, Madeleine: Rwanda, Another Perspective. Three Decades of Service. The author lived in Rwanda for 30 years and tells her story in the country. She describes her daily life in Rwanda as well as her experiences during the genocide, Editions Source du Nil. Collection "Mémoire collective", Lille 2012.

Seitz, Volker: Africa is Poorly Governed, or How We Can Really Help Africa. Volker Seitz argues for a radical change in development policy, Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag, Munich 2009.

Straus, Scott & Walfdorf, Lars (Eds.): Remaking Rwanda. State Building and Human Rights After Mass Violence. The first book to critically and comprehensively examine the restoration of normal conditions after the genocide in Rwanda, The University of Wisconsin Press 2011.

Sütterlin, Sabine: VENRO - Association of German Development Policy NGOs. "My Word Counts" - Microcredits: Small Capital, Big Impact. This work, with a foreword by Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, describes the opportunities and possibilities of microcredits using examples from Indian women. The book is the result of a joint project between 32 Indian and 14 German NGOs that work together as partners, Brandes and Apsel Verlag, Frankfurt a. M. 2007.

Tewes, Dieter; Gregor von Fürstenberg: Practical Handbook: One World. A Reference Work for Beginners and Professionals in One-World Work. It provides the fundamentals and background of (worldwide) church development work, Misereor, Aachen 2000.

UNOPS: Rwanda Conference - Social Rehabilitation in Rwanda - A Challenge to Decentralized Development and International Cooperation, Strategies for Decentralization, Rhineland-Palatinate 1997.




Rhineland-Palatinate/Rwanda partnership


Rhineland-Palatinate/Rwanda partnership

Beran, Barbara: Embroidered life = Ubuzimy bufumye: The carpets of Kampanga. Ibitambaro by' umutako by' i Kampanga / Barbara Beran ; Rosa Tritschler. - Annweiler : Plöger, 2007. - 143 pages: numerous. Illustrated, 1 ct. Text in German and Kinyarwanda.

Gätz, Wolfgang: Model of an international partnership v. The origin, shape and development of a country, a summary presentation, Hasee & Koehler Verlag Mainz 1967.

Hall, Hanne; Dr. Auernheimer, Richard; Ferraris, Alice; Vigeland, Friederike and others: On the way. Lifelines of the RLP/RW partnership. This detailed illustrated book is dedicated to a retrospective look at the 32-year partnership between Pheinland-Pfalz and the partner country Rwanda, Verlag Matthias Ess 2014.

Harth, Christine; Prof. Dr. Klaer, Wendelin; König, Dieter: Materials for the RLP partnership (RW 1989/91 Geographical Institute, site-appropriate agriculture in Rwanda. A research report, University of Mainz and the Ministry of the Interior 1989.

ISIM: 10 years of partnership Rhineland-Palatinate-Rwanda 1982 - 1992. 10 years of partnership, ISIM 1992.             

Klausch, Nicole: Partnership Rhineland-Palatinate-Rwanda. Possibilities and limits of cooperation in the field of school education, master's thesis on the possibilities and limits of cooperation in the field of school education, master's thesis 2006.

Ludwig, Elfride: Rwanda - A travel companion to the partnership country of Rhineland-Palatinate (outdated) travel guide with information about the country and its people, a small Kinyarwanda lexicon and tips on accommodation when traveling, self-published Elfride Ludwig, Bad Kreuznach1985.

Ministry of the Interior and Sport: Rhineland-Palatinate/Rwanda partnership 1982-1987. Five years of partnership between the two countries are described, MdI 1987.

o.A.: Partnership Rhineland-Palatinate - Rwanda 1982-1985. An activity report published by the Ministry of the Interior and for Sort Rhineland-Palatinate on the three-year partnership.

o.A.: Rwanda - Rhineland-Palatinate residents experience their partner country of a thousand hills Work on the then five-year partnership with contributions to the development of the partnership, experiences and impressions from Rwanda, general information about Rwanda and much more, Pfälzische Verlagsanstalt, Landau 1987.

o.A.: Partnership leader - network of development policy initiatives in Rhineland-Palatinate for the partnership with the Republic of Rwanda. All communities, associations and other bodies that are active in Rhineland-Palatinate with the Rhineland-Palatinate / Rwanda partnership introduce themselves in this volume, o.A. 2002.

o.A.: RPZ teaching model 4/84 - Geography Rwanda, secondary level I. This teaching model presents the partner country Rwanda from a geographical perspective. But the development problems are also described, RPZ Bad Kreuznach 1984.

o.A.: Partnership RLP/RW 1982-85: Activity report of the partnership, Ministry of the Interior RLP 1985.

Weichert, Karl-Heinz: Materials for the partnership RLP/RW 1988 Activity report of the partnership, State Image Office RLP 1988.




Rwandan proverbs, fairy tales and stories


Rwandan proverbs, fairy tales and stories

Lutz, Christoph: Muraho! - Visiting the Sibomana Family. Picture book for children about a journey to Rwanda with drawings by Kathriun Lutz-Marxer and an accompanying booklet, Jugenddienstverlag, Wuppertal .1984.

Mesas, Thierry (Eds.): Devinettes rwandaises - Ibisakuzo - Riddles from Rwanda. Rwanda riddles in French, English and Kinyarwanda with illustrations by Kofi Kankolongo, Éditions Sépia, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (France) 2005.

n.a.: Imigani y ́ikinyarwanda - Proverbes rwandais - Proverbs from Rwanda. Proverbs from Rwanda in French, English and Kinyarwanda with illustrations by Kofi Kankolongo, Éditions Sépia, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (France) 2006.

n.a.: Coloring book - Ingagi und der fliegende Roller. Coloring book for children of the same name, n.a.

n.a.: Muraho! - Zu Besuch bei der Familie Sibomana. Accompanying booklet to the picture book "Muraho! Zu Besuch bei der Familie Sibomana", Jugenddienstverlag, Wuppertal 1983.

Köhler, Marie: Mach dir ein Bild; Rwanda/Afrika 2014. An illustrated book about the people, nature and culture in Rwanda, Verlag Kettler, Dortmund 2014.

Köhler, Marie: Take a picture; Burkina Faso. A picture book about the people, nature and culture of Burkina Faso, Verlag Kettler, Dortmund 2013.

Peter, Silvia: Ingagi und der fliegende Roller. Children's book: Ten Friends on a Voyage of Discovery, Kidsbook Verlag 2006.

Weiss-Hohenadel, Karin/ Trautmann, Ute: Vom Zuviel und Zuwenig. Stories by Kristine from RLP and Mukasine from Rwanda (games, food, etc), anrich 1993.

RUGAMBA, Cyprien: NKUBAMBUZE UMUGANI (Igitabo cya mbere) Rwandan fairy tale book Part 1, I.N.R.S. - Butare 1988.

RUGAMBA, Cyprien: NKUBAMBUZE UMUGANI (Igitabo cya mbere)Rwandan fairy tale book Part 2'', I.N.R.S. - Butare 1988.

Möller, Lenelotte: Fairy Tales and Other Tales from Rwanda. Rwandan Fairy Tales Collection, Publishing House Speyer 2014.



Cross-cutting textbooks


Cross-cutting textbooks

Fischer E.; Hinkel H.: Nature of Rwanda - La Nature du Rwanda. An Introduction to the Flora and Fauna of Rwanda - Created in collaboration with the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (botany/zoology) and the Institut de Recherche Scientifique et Technologique Butare, Rhein Main Druck, Mainz 1992.

Isoko (ed.): Amakuru ki? - Über leben in Rwanda - Vivre au Rwanda. Written in German and French, this work deals with a wide range of subjects from the historical development of Rwandan society to agriculture and everyday life, Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Frankfurt a.M.1987.

Löber, Ulrich; Rickal, Elisabeth (Eds.): Ruanda - Accompanying publication to the travelling exhibition of the Landesmuseum Koblenz Accompanying publication with contributions by various authors on the past and present (1995) Rwanda (without genocide), Pfälzische Verlagsanstalt, Landau 1995.

Ndorimana, Jean: Rwanda - L ́église catholique dans le malaise. The author writes about the power of the government, the genocide and the socio-spiritual component and puts it in connection with the Catholic Church, Editione Vivere In, Rome o.A.

Marzi, Hiltrud: Alter in Afrika - Tradition und Wandel. A documentation of the traveling exhibition of the same name by the Institute of Ethnology and African Studies at Mainz Mainz, with supplementary texts, Druckerei und Verlag Gebr. Kügler GmbH, Ingelheim 2002.

Weichert, Karl-Heinz; Werle Otmar: Ruanda. A regional portrait with articles on the flora and fauna of Rwanda, the history of the Republic, culture, education and population, as well as economic aspects and the partnership with Rhineland-Palatinate, Görres Verlag, Koblenz 1987.

Strizek, Helmut: Clinton at Lake Kivu - The Story of an African Catastrophe. Stritzek examines the effects and influence of American politics under the Clinton presidency on the catastrophes of the Rwandan War in 1994 and the two Congo Wars in 1996/1997, and 1999/1999. The work of the Clinton administration east and west of Lake Kivu is investigated in the study, Peter Lang GmbH, Frankfurt am Main 2011.

Beck, Ulrich: What is globalization? A pointed and clarifying introduction to the impassibilities of the globalization debate. The book with the central question: "What is my globalization, and how will it be possible to shape globalization politically?" aims to open the horizon for political answers to globalization, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. 2007.

Aßner, Manuel; Breidbach, Jessica; Amine Mohammed, Abdel; Schommer, David; Voss, Katja (Eds.): Africa Images in Transition? - Sources, Continuities, Effects, and Breaks. This anthology traces Africa images, asks about their sources and effects, seeks their continuities and breaks, and unmasks them as intellectual and social constructs that exert discursive power. The contributions explore colonialism and anti-colonialism as well as Africa images in media, tourism, art, politics, and more, from multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives. Peter Lang GmbH, Frankfurt am Main 2012.

Kersting, Philippe; Hoffmann, Karl W. (Eds.): AfricaMirrorImages - Reflections of European Images of Africa in Science, School, and Everyday Life. This anthology deals with the European perception of Africa in science, school, and everyday life, which is significantly influenced by the relationships and interactions with Africa throughout history. Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Geographical Institute 2011.

Nolen, Stephanie: 28 Stories of AIDS in Africa. Stephanie Nolen tells the stories of 28 women, men, and children from various African countries, with each story representing a million people fighting for their lives. 28 million people died from AIDS between 2007 (the book's publication year) and 2011. It is a matter of humanity not to close our eyes to the extent of the AIDS catastrophe. Piper Verlag, Munich 2007.

Nonnenmacher, Günther; Vogel, Bernhard: The Country Needs Brave Citizens - Political Opportunities in Uncertain Times. One of Germany's most popular politicians and one of the republic's most influential journalists engage in a conversation about the essence of democratic culture. Political experience, background knowledge, precise diagnosis, and clear future perspectives come together in this fascinating book. Verlag Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2012.

Achebe, Chinua: The Education of a British-Protected Child. Seventeen beautifully written essays paint a vivid portrait of what it was like growing up in colonial Nigeria, touching on concerns of the African American diaspora. Achebe offers insights into his unusual family life and his thoughts on President Obama. Penguin Books 2009.

Mensching, Wilhelm: Rwanda - A Self-Representation of the People in Ancient Traditions. Wilhelm Mensching studied, from 1912 to 1917, during his time as a missionary of the Bethel Mission in Rwanda, the customs and folk wisdom of the native groups through fairy tales, proverbs, fables, and other stories. Commissionsverlag Driftmann, Bückeburg 1987.

Schmidt, Ulrich; Frankenhäuser, Herbert: Land of a Thousand Hills. State Collection of Natural History RLP. On the Natural History of Rwanda. Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz, Ministry of the Interior and Sports 1992.

Republic of Rwanda: Report of the National Summit on Unity and Reconciliation. National Unity and Reconciliation 2002.

Neuser, Norbert (Ed.): Development Needs Its Energy. Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) is a demand for a new sustainable development goal. Rotation 2013.

Wolff, Jürgen H.: Developing Countries and Development Policy within the Framework of Global Political Structures and Processes. Workbook for social scientists on Field VI of the guidelines for the subject of social sciences in North Rhine-Westphalia ("Global Political Structures and Processes"). Schöningh n.d.

Schmid, Harald; Münkler, Herfried; Görich, Knut et al.: History for Today - Journal for Historical and Political Education. Institutions present themselves, reports from the federal association and state associations, and book reviews on the topic of remembrance and commemoration. Wochenschau Verlag 2015.

Fischer, Eberhard; Killmann, Dorothee: Plants of Nyungwe National Park Rwanda. This book covers about 650 species of vascular plants from Nyungwe National Park in Rwanda, and it is the first field guide ever published on Rwanda. Koblenz Geographical Colloquia Series Biogeographical Monographs (1) 2008.

Convents, Guido: Images & Peace. The Rwandans and Burundians Confronting Cinema and Audiovisual Media. A politico-cultural history of German and Belgian Ruanda-Urundi and the Republics of Rwanda and Burundi (1896-2008). Africa Film Festival 2008.

Inshuti e.V.: Culture of Attention to Sexual Violence. International conference at Haus Wasserburg, n.d. 2015.

Imigongo: Imigongo from Rwanda. Catalogue of various Imigongos from Rwanda, GTZ n.d.

Schmidt, Ulrich: The Rwanda Commitment of the Natural History Museum (1982-present). Explanation of project work, n.d. 2009.

Baier-D’Orazio, Marie G. / Banywesuze Mukuza, Vital: Guitars, Bricks, and Sailors. The Unusual Success Story of a Training Center in Congo. Horlemann 2009.

Brandstetter, Anna-Marie: Masters of a Thousand Hills. pöApö Press n.d.

Ndekezi, Sylvestre: Customary Wedding Rituals in Rwanda. n.d. 1984.

Celestin, Kaniba Misago; Van Pee, Lode: Wickerwork Rwanda. Traditional wickerwork in Rwanda, Africalia Belgium et al. 2008/9.

Fischer, E.; Hinkel, H.: Nature of Rwanda - La Nature du Rwanda. Introduction to Rwanda's flora and fauna. Ministry of the Interior, Mainz 1991/2.

Hooge, Heiko: Rwanda. Iwanowski’s Tips for Individual Explorers. Travel guide to Rwanda, with many tips and information on accommodations, travel, food, activities, local orientation, including route descriptions (with maps). Iwanowski's Travel Guide Publishing 2017.

Nkulikiyinka, Christine et al.: We Are Rwanda. This book and photo album illustrates Rwanda's diversity in all areas, showing that its culture and history should not be reduced to the genocide. n.d.

Vande weghe, Jean Pierre: Akagera. Land of Water, Grass, and Fire. WWF describes the long-term process of nature conservation in Rwanda through the example of Akagera National Park, highlighting the importance of conveying its significance to local populations. WWF 1990.

Cornelißen, Hans-Joachim; Willig, Kai: Forum History RLP. The World After 1945. German History from 1945-1990, including didactic notes. Cornelsen 2016.

n.d.: Citizen Journalism and Digital Media Dialogue for Social Participation. Project report of the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany 2016.

Didactic material


Didactic material

Wahl, Iris: Getting to know a foreign culture - an action-oriented learning unit based on the children's book "Muraho!" In a 2nd school year exam paper in the subject of primary school education, o.A.          1995.

o.A.: Macmillan Development Catalog. Catalog for ordering teaching materials on the topics of agriculture, society & development, health, technology (English materials), etc.

o.A.: Macmillan Readers for Africa. Catalog for ordering teaching materials for African students with literature from primary school levels to secondary school to adult readers, etc.

o.A.: Macmillan Books for Schools. Catalog for ordering teaching materials for African students, with country-specific titles, as well as pan-African teaching materials, o.A.

o.A.: Partnership and friendly relations between Rhineland-Palatinate

Institutions with Rwanda, n.a. 1982-1991.       

State Surveying Office of Rhineland-Palatinate: Map of the municipal boundaries 1:200,000, o.A. 2000.

o.A.: République Rwandaise: Map of Rwanda 1:250 000, o.A.  

Dr. Wilhelmi, Volker: Partner country Rwanda - nature in words and pictures. Didactic-methodological guide for schools, o.A.

Lutz, Christopher; Lutz-Marxer, Kathrin: Muraho! Visiting the Sibomana family - booklet accompanying the picture book. Didactic material with playful ideas including cooking, singing, crafts...with a focus on Rwanda, Jugenddienstverlag 1983.

Dr. Schmitt, Ulrich; Dr. Frankenhäuser, Herbert: Land of 1000 Hills. On the natural history of Rwanda - partner country of RLP History and geographical data of Rwanda, Natural History Museum Mainz 1992.